Saturday, October 24, 2009

Rainbow’s End: Key Scene Analysis

To gain a better understanding of how language and visual techniques work together to create meaning, it is a good idea to analyse a few key scenes from the text.

ActivityMake notes about a key scene in Rainbow’s End, taking into account:
• language or visual techniques
• examples of the techniques from the text
• analysis of how these examples relate to belonging.

Then write a full analysis of the scene and its techniques, and their relation to belonging.

Key scene: Errol’s plan for Dolly

Techniques and examples:

Ironic imagery of a small flat in the city
Symbolism of material possessions
Definite tone used by Dolly to reject Errol’s offer


Errol misinterprets the meaning of a better life for Dolly
Dolly is horrified at the thought of leaving her family, her home
Errol’s awareness of the meaning of home

Full analysis of how the techniques and examples represent belonging:

‘Errol’s plan for Dolly’ scene represents how closely belonging in Rainbow’s End is linked to the strength of the family and the relationships within the families. Errol thinks to take Dolly away from her family in order to give her a better life. He creates an ironic image of a small flat in the city with a sitting-room and a ‘real stove’. He says that although there would be no room for visitors to stay, it would be better than what she has now. Harrison symbolically uses these material possessions to show that Errol has misinterpreted what a ‘real home’ means. Dolly is horrified at the thought of leaving the river and her family. To her, a home is not defined by the objects in it, but by the people she loves and spends time with. She rejects his offer, saying in a definite tone that ‘This is my place. I am staying right here with my mum and my Nan’. Later, when Errol returns, he demonstrates his understanding of her family bond, saying, ‘where you belong, and your family, is important’.

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